[?] A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below.

No critical violations were documented at the time of inspection.

No violations were documented at the time of inspection.

Inspection Information

Facility Type: Commercial RFE < 25000 sq. ft.

[?] Inspection Type: Complaint

Inspection Date: 29-July-2020

In regards to the complaint investigation which is in reference COVID-19 compliant findings at this time of inspection based on observation and discussion with staff and management.

Note: In the closing of the La Plaza supermarket which occurred for twenty four consecutive hours on Saturday July 23rd. The Deep cleaning of the supermarket also occurred the following day Sunday July 24th.

In addition, the two recent employees whom each were confirmed positive in their results for the COVID-19 have yet to be in the supermarket since these two above twenty four hour closing and Deep cleaning dates.
The two employees for confirmed positive COVID-19 cases are currently meeting the State of Ohio isolation requirements.

Inspection Outcome: