[?] A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below.

No critical violations were documented at the time of inspection.

No violations were documented at the time of inspection.

Inspection Information

Facility Type: Commercial FSO < 25000 sq. ft.

[?] Inspection Type: Complaint

Inspection Date: 14-March-2024

Received a referral complaint from Ohio EPA Agency 13 stating: "They allow non-service animals to roam the brewery while serving dine in food".

Note: this complaint, is now being forwarded to Ohio Department of Agriculture. Please see below.

In today's inspection sanitarian observed and discussed with management of the two customer dogs on leashes in the brewery area. Discussion was primarily the two separation areas:

1. The designated area of local City of Cleveland Health Department Food license permit.
2. The designated area Department of Agriculture wholesale.

Upon all discussions which includes a communication with CDPH staff, the District Supervisor, a referral is being made to Department of Agriculture which is also based on the following information.

1. Only service dogs are permitted in a licensed FSO by the Ohio Uniform Safety Code.
2. Terrestrial Management presents the indicating dividing door which separates the current FSO licensed area and the non-FSO licensed ODA area's.
3. Today, the two observed leashed dogs are located in the non-FSO licensed area.
4. In the non-FSO licensed ODA area, sanitarian observed the two leashed non-service dogs are approximately 50' to 80' from the customer prepared
serving counter.

Inspection Outcome: