I / Employee Health
Employee Illness Policy has not been updaed yet to include the 13 food borne pathogens listed in AOC 3717-1-2.1(A)(2). PIC states she has contacted corporate office but they have not made the updates yet.

VII / Protection from Contamination
Corrected During Inspection There were wiping cloth buckets in use that did not have any detectable sanitizer present. In order to prevent the spread of pathogens on food contact surfaces, make sure that wiping cloths are held between uses in a sanitizer solution, QUAT used, that is 200-400ppm in strength. Corrected during inspection.

Inspection Information

[?] Facility Type: Commercial FSO < 25000 sq. ft.

[?] Inspection Type: Critical Control Point

Inspection Date: 15-January-2015

Overall, very good date marking and very good cold/hot holding temps.