[?] A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below.

3717-1-04.5(A)(1) / Cleanliness of equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils.
Critical CorrectedDuringInsp Equipment food-contact surfaces or utensils are unclean. OBSERVED: Food debris & Flour on food surfaces, to prevent a foodborne illness food contact surfaces shall be kept clean & free of food debris. Clean pizza containers in the prep table. Corrected: Owner cleaned containers
Correct By: 17-Oct-2019
3717-1-07.1(A) / Poisonous or toxic materials: Storage: separation.
Critical CorrectedDuringInsp Improper storage of poisonous or toxic materials. OBSERVED: Antibiotic cream on food prep table. To prevent a contamination which could cause a poisoning, chemicals & personal medications shall be kept separate from food prep areas. Corrected: owner removed item & stored appropriately.
Correct By: 17-Oct-2019

3717-1-07.1(B) / Poisonous or toxic materials: Restriction.
CorrectedDuringInsp Unnecessary chemicals stored on premises.OBSERVED; UNAPPROVED flying insect spray. To prevent a chemical poisoning use only food grade pesticides or use a licensed pest applicator for the premises. CORRECTED: Owner removed the fly spray from the premises.

Inspection Information

Facility Type: Commercial RFE < 25000 sq. ft.

[?] Inspection Type: Standard

Inspection Date: 17-October-2019

Reviewed with Greg Beard